The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement!

"Disease is and effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health"             Ministry of healing page 127

"The same thinking that has led you to where you are is not going to lead you to where you want to go."
                                                                                       -- Albert Einstein--

Why Are We Not Able to Do the Things We Want to Do!

For the last 50 years we have been conditioned to believe in evolution. We have lost sight of basic Biblical principles, or design principles that govern our lives. I am a firm believer in the Biblical Creator God. When we were created we had not only a physical dimension but a spiritual dimension as well. The two illustrations below demonstrate both the physical and the spiritual domains.

Physical Portion of Our Being

In the upper left quadrant we find whole food. In the upper right quadrant refined supplements because our food today is not of the quality that I once was. Both upper quadrants nourished the body. In the lower left quadrant we find medicinal herbs which are made from plants. In the lower right corner we have man-made drugs which override some natural body function. Both of the lower quadrants control the body and to some degree the mind.

Spiritual Component of Our Being

In the upper left quadrant we find the word of God in biblical principles.In the upper right quadrant we find success principles and evidence-based science. Both of the upper quadrants nourish the soul and to some degree the body.In the lower left we find traditions which have been handed down from ancient times. In the lower right we have not evidence-based science which are the theories of man. Both of these lower quadrants tend to control, coerce, and restrict their freedom the further to the lower right to you go the more of a slave you become. The more to the upper left to you go the more free you become.

Everything in our physical domain has a spiritual counterpart. A spiritual problem requires a spiritual solution. Understand that spiritual is not necessarily religious and religious is not necessarily spiritual. There is no coercion in pure Christianity. Many religions today are laced with man-made traditions that instill fear and are coercive.

If something is physical it has physical properties and is made of observable matter. If something is spiritual it is not made up of physical matter. Love, integrity, compassion,your acquired beliefs, and the way that you see yourself are all spiritual. Just as an example this is why weight loss cannot be effectively solved by simple physical activities such as exercise and dieting. There is a spiritual component that if not addressed will sabotage your success.