Great to meet you, I'm Phil Proctor

Have you ever wondered is there more to life? What is my purpose? Why am I here? Do you have a passion to be more than you are?


This was me, when I hit 65 I asked myself "Where do I go from here?"

From the outside looking in I have had a pretty amazing
life. 11 years public safety as a captain on the fire department, emergency medical technician, forest ranger,and a police officer. 20 years in education teaching math, science, industrial education, occupational drafting, driver's ed, adult education, and Bible. 15 years in mechanical engineering. Four years in Kenya as a missionary. I loved every minute of it and what brought me the greatest joy was being of service to others.

For the last 25 years I have had a special interest in health and wellness. I have some arthritis in my knees and am in quest of a natural cure! I have in my library literally hundreds of books on health and wellness. Over the past 15 years I have conducted many seminars on health and wellness as well as having a radio program.

  You might have noticed that when it comes to degenerative disease our medical system comes up short. True healing embraces the whole being, not just the physical.

What made the difference for me


After I retired I started working with my son-in-law and daughter on a new frozen dessert venture in marketing their product. As I did sampling in various stores I soon realized how much misinformation people had and how much people are looking for solutions to lifestyle problems. I realized that with my 25 years of study and research in nutrition and wellness I was in a position to share a lot of good information with people who are looking for solutions. My research is shown that close to 90% of all degenerative disease originates in the mind because of self sabotaging beliefs. This stems from a false reality about God. When we see God as a loving caring physician rather than a stern judge it changes your whole reality. God has offered you all the resources of heaven as well as his own son as a remedy for our condition. It is my passion to help others enjoy a better quality of life physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and financially.